#!/usr/bin/perl # This script is NOT written or modified by me, I only copy pasted it from the internet. # It was First originally Writen by chudy_fernandez@yahoo.com # & Have been modified by various persons over the net to fix/add various functions. # Like For Example modified by member of comstuff.net to satisfy common and dynamic content. # th30nly @comstuff.net a.k.a invisible_theater , and possibly other people too. # For more info, http://wiki.squid-cache.org/ConfigExamples/DynamicContent/YouTube # Adeel Ahmed / adeelkml1 @ gmail . com $|=1; while (<>) { @X = split; # $X[1] =~ s/&sig=.*//; $x = $X[0] . " "; $_ = $X[1]; $u = $X[1]; if ($X[1] =~ /(youtube|google).*videoplayback\?/){ @itag = m/[&?](itag=[0-9]*)/; @id = m/[&?](id=[^\&]*)/; @range = m/[&?](range=[^\&\s]*)/; @begin = m/[&?](begin=[^\&\s]*)/; @redirect = m/[&?](redirect_counter=[^\&]*)/; print $x . "http://video-srv.youtube.com.SQUIDINTERNAL/@itag&@id&@range@begin@redirect\n"; #speedtest }elsif (m/^http:\/\/(.*)\/speedtest\/(.*\.(jpg|txt))\?(.*)/) { print $x . "http://www.speedtest.net.SQUIDINTERNAL/speedtest/" . $2 . "\n"; #mediafire }elsif (m/^http:\/\/199\.91\.15\d\.\d*\/\w{12}\/(\w*)\/(.*)/) { print $x . "http://www.mediafire.com.SQUIDINTERNAL/" . $1 ."/" . $2 . "\n"; #fileserve }elsif (m/^http:\/\/fs\w*\.fileserve\.com\/file\/(\w*)\/[\w-]*\.\/(.*)/) { print $x . "http://www.fileserve.com.SQUIDINTERNAL/" . $1 . "./" . $2 . "\n"; #filesonic }elsif (m/^http:\/\/s[0-9]*\.filesonic\.com\/download\/([0-9]*)\/(.*)/) { print $x . "http://www.filesonic.com.SQUIDINTERNAL/" . $1 . "\n"; #4shared }elsif (m/^http:\/\/[a-zA-Z]{2}\d*\.4shared\.com(:8080|)\/download\/(.*)\/(.*\..*)\?.*/) { print $x . "http://www.4shared.com.SQUIDINTERNAL/download/$2\/$3\n"; #4shared preview }elsif (m/^http:\/\/[a-zA-Z]{2}\d*\.4shared\.com(:8080|)\/img\/(\d*)\/\w*\/dlink__2Fdownload_2F(\w*)_3Ftsid_3D[\w-]*\/preview\.mp3\?sId=\w*/) { print $x . "http://www.4shared.com.SQUIDINTERNAL/$2\n"; #photos-X.ak.fbcdn.net where X a-z }elsif (m/^http:\/\/photos-[a-z](\.ak\.fbcdn\.net)(\/.*\/)(.*\.jpg)/) { print $x . "http://photos" . $1 . "/" . $2 . $3 . "\n"; #YX.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net where X 1-9, Y a-z } elsif (m/^http:\/\/[a-z][0-9]\.sphotos\.ak\.fbcdn\.net\/(.*)\/(.*)/) { print $x . "http://photos.ak.fbcdn.net/" . $1 ."/". $2 . "\n"; #maps.google.com } elsif (m/^http:\/\/(cbk|mt|khm|mlt|tbn)[0-9]?(.google\.co(m|\.uk|\.id).*)/) { print $x . "http://" . $1 . $2 . "\n"; # compatibility for old cached get_video?video_id } elsif (m/^http:\/\/([0-9.]{4}|.*\.youtube\.com|.*\.googlevideo\.com|.*\.video\.google\.com).*?(videoplayback\?id=.*?|video_id=.*?)\&(.*?)/) { $z = $2; $z =~ s/video_id=/get_video?video_id=/; print $x . "http://video-srv.youtube.com.SQUIDINTERNAL/" . $z . "\n"; } elsif (m/^http:\/\/www\.google-analytics\.com\/__utm\.gif\?.*/) { print $x . "http://www.google-analytics.com/__utm.gif\n"; #Cache High Latency Ads } elsif (m/^http:\/\/([a-z0-9.]*)(\.doubleclick\.net|\.quantserve\.com|\.googlesyndication\.com|yieldmanager|cpxinteractive)(.*)/) { $y = $3;$z = $2; for ($y) { s/pixel;.*/pixel/; s/activity;.*/activity/; s/(imgad[^&]*).*/\1/; s/;ord=[?0-9]*//; s/;×tamp=[0-9]*//; s/[&?]correlator=[0-9]*//; s/&cookie=[^&]*//; s/&ga_hid=[^&]*//; s/&ga_vid=[^&]*//; s/&ga_sid=[^&]*//; # s/&prev_slotnames=[^&]*// # s/&u_his=[^&]*//; s/&dt=[^&]*//; s/&dtd=[^&]*//; s/&lmt=[^&]*//; s/(&alternate_ad_url=http%3A%2F%2F[^(%2F)]*)[^&]*/\1/; s/(&url=http%3A%2F%2F[^(%2F)]*)[^&]*/\1/; s/(&ref=http%3A%2F%2F[^(%2F)]*)[^&]*/\1/; s/(&cookie=http%3A%2F%2F[^(%2F)]*)[^&]*/\1/; s/[;&?]ord=[?0-9]*//; s/[;&]mpvid=[^&;]*//; s/&xpc=[^&]*//; # yieldmanager s/\?clickTag=[^&]*//; s/&u=[^&]*//; s/&slotname=[^&]*//; s/&page_slots=[^&]*//; } print $x . "http://" . $1 . $2 . $y . "\n"; #cache high latency ads } elsif (m/^http:\/\/(.*?)\/(ads)\?(.*?)/) { print $x . "http://" . $1 . "/" . $2 . "\n"; # spicific servers starts here.... } elsif (m/^http:\/\/(www\.ziddu\.com.*\.[^\/]{3,4})\/(.*?)/) { print $x . "http://" . $1 . "\n"; #cdn, varialble 1st path } elsif (($u =~ /filehippo/) && (m/^http:\/\/(.*?)\.(.*?)\/(.*?)\/(.*)\.([a-z0-9]{3,4})(\?.*)?/)) { @y = ($1,$2,$4,$5); $y[0] =~ s/[a-z0-9]{2,5}/cdn./; print $x . "http://" . $y[0] . $y[1] . "/" . $y[2] . "." . $y[3] . "\n"; #rapidshare } elsif (($u =~ /rapidshare/) && (m/^http:\/\/(([A-Za-z]+[0-9-.]+)*?)([a-z]*\.[^\/]{3}\/[a-z]*\/[0-9]*)\/(.*?)\/([^\/\?\&]{4,})$/)) { print $x . "http://cdn." . $3 . "/SQUIDINTERNAL/" . $5 . "\n"; } elsif (($u =~ /maxporn/) && (m/^http:\/\/([^\/]*?)\/(.*?)\/([^\/]*?)(\?.*)?$/)) { print $x . "http://" . $1 . "/SQUIDINTERNAL/" . $3 . "\n"; #like porn hub variables url and center part of the path, filename etention 3 or 4 with or without ? at the end } elsif (($u =~ /tube8|pornhub|xvideos/) && (m/^http:\/\/(([A-Za-z]+[0-9-.]+)*?(\.[a-z]*)?)\.([a-z]*[0-9]?\.[^\/]{3}\/[a-z]*)(.*?)((\/[a-z]*)?(\/[^\/]*){4}\.[^\/\?]{3,4})(\?.*)?$/)) { print $x . "http://cdn." . $4 . $6 . "\n"; #...spicific servers end here. #photos-X.ak.fbcdn.net where X a-z } elsif (m/^http:\/\/photos-[a-z].ak.fbcdn.net\/(.*)/) { print $x . "http://photos.ak.fbcdn.net/" . $1 . "\n"; #for yimg.com video } elsif (m/^http:\/\/(.*yimg.com)\/\/(.*)\/([^\/\?\&]*\/[^\/\?\&]*\.[^\/\?\&]{3,4})(\?.*)?$/) { print $x . "http://cdn.yimg.com//" . $3 . "\n"; #for yimg.com doubled } elsif (m/^http:\/\/(.*?)\.yimg\.com\/(.*?)\.yimg\.com\/(.*?)\?(.*)/) { print $x . "http://cdn.yimg.com/" . $3 . "\n"; #for yimg.com with &sig= } elsif (m/^http:\/\/(.*?)\.yimg\.com\/(.*)/) { @y = ($1,$2); $y[0] =~ s/[a-z]+[0-9]+/cdn/; $y[1] =~ s/&sig=.*//; print $x . "http://" . $y[0] . ".yimg.com/" . $y[1] . "\n"; #youjizz. We use only domain and filename } elsif (($u =~ /media[0-9]{2,5}\.youjizz/) && (m/^http:\/\/(.*)(\.[^\.\-]*?\..*?)\/(.*)\/([^\/\?\&]*)\.([^\/\?\&]{3,4})((\?|\%).*)?$/)) { @y = ($1,$2,$4,$5); $y[0] =~ s/(([a-zA-A]+[0-9]+(-[a-zA-Z])?$)|(.*cdn.*)|(.*cache.*))/cdn/; print $x . "http://" . $y[0] . $y[1] . "/" . $y[2] . "." . $y[3] . "\n"; #general purpose for cdn servers. add above your specific servers. } elsif (m/^http:\/\/([0-9.]*?)\/\/(.*?)\.(.*)\?(.*?)/) { print $x . "http://squid-cdn-url//" . $2 . "." . $3 . "\n"; #generic http://variable.domain.com/path/filename."ex" "ext" or "exte" with or withour "? or %" } elsif (m/^http:\/\/(.*)(\.[^\.\-]*?\..*?)\/(.*)\.([^\/\?\&]{2,4})((\?|\%).*)?$/) { @y = ($1,$2,$3,$4); $y[0] =~ s/(([a-zA-A]+[0-9]+(-[a-zA-Z])?$)|(.*cdn.*)|(.*cache.*))/cdn/; print $x . "http://" . $y[0] . $y[1] . "/" . $y[2] . "." . $y[3] . "\n"; # generic http://variable.domain.com/... } elsif (m/^http:\/\/(([A-Za-z]+[0-9-]+)*?|.*cdn.*|.*cache.*)\.(.*?)\.(.*?)\/(.*)$/) { print $x . "http://cdn." . $3 . "." . $4 . "/" . $5 . "\n"; # spicific extention that ends with ? } elsif (m/^http:\/\/(.*?)\/(.*?)\.(jp(e?g|e|2)|gif|png|tiff?|bmp|ico|flv|wmv|3gp|mp(4|3)|exe|msi|zip|on2|mar|rar|cab|amf|swf)(.*)/) { print $x . "http://" . $1 . "/" . $2 . "." . $3 . "\n"; # all that ends with ; } elsif (m/^http:\/\/(.*?)\/(.*?)\;(.*)/) { print $x . "http://" . $1 . "/" . $2 . "\n"; } else { print $x . $_ . "sucks\n"; } }
Sunday, 9 March 2014
ubuntu squid StoreURL.Scripts
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